Concrete roof table molding system BFS-TABLE FORM

Table molding system is one of the systems for executing flat, wide and uniform concrete slabs, in plans with less density of vertical structural components, especially in high-rise structures with repeatable floor plans, which has a very high execution speed in completing high-rise projects. High quality construction of finished concrete surfaces


Components of a table molding system

1- Plywood surface

2- Secondary  wooden beams

3- Primary wooden (H20) beams or metal beams

4- Lower bearing bases

5- Lifting carriage and transfer of tables

6- Fork chassis in the shape of transferring tables between floors

7- Connections related to primary beams, secondary beams and foundations

8- Shelter parts and connections and safety around the roof


Advantages of using table molding system BFS-TABLE FORM

1- High speed molding of the roof due to the maximum dimensions of the integrated tables
2- High efficiency and consequently high speed of project completion due to integrated transfer of tables to the upper floors and elimination of assembly and disassembly operations of these molds.
3- Need for semi-skilled mold molding force due to systematic design of table molds
4- High quality of finished concrete surfaces and its uniformity due to the use of playwood surface in table molds
5- High speed of initial assembly in the workshop, due to the possibility of loading and sending the upper deck of the assembled tables
6- Economizing projects due to high speed of application and reduction of implementation time and manpower costs