Project: Tehran Underground Lines 1,2,3,4,6,7
Contractors: Sepasad Engineering Company, Cova Construction Company, Balagar Company, Bolandpayeh Company, Absa Company, Ahab Company, Jahad Tose Zirbanayee Company, Jahan Kosar Company, Pavan Construction Company, Arshad Sazesh Toos Company, Saman Mohit Company, Azhand Tunnel Company, Payest Omran Company
In order to operate pouring concrete process for the main tunnels and the stations of lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Tehran underground, Boozarjomehr Industrial Group designed and manufactured 30 full hydraulic lining formwork systems for the main underground tunnels (registered Number 50146) in 6 and 9 meter lengths of pouring concrete for gate with 8/15 and 8/35 meter of span diameter and also 10 full hydraulic lining formwork systems for underground stations (registered Number 50145) for gate with 14 meter width and 6 meter length of pouring concrete in which they were mantled and operated inside the tunnels. These systems outstandingly helped increasing the completion pace of which the concrete was poured in the projects because of ease in operating system and that the tunnel-building machineries could move in between the formwork both at the time of pouring concrete and at the time of transferring the formwork to the next part of pouring concrete.
14m wide tunnel formwork carriage allowed unhindered acces of construction site traffic in longitudinal direction.
with hydraulic equopment a 1-day cycle could quickly be achieved.