Breakwave structure

Breakwave structure

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Breakwater structure

Breakwaters are structures that protect the building from the destructive effects of sea waves

The date of construction of the breakwaters is 4000 to 5000 years ago. And the Phoenicians were the first to build the first breakwaters. Similar breakwaters were built in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, all of which were rejected by engineering due to the many accidents and damage they caused.


Two examples are Algiers and Catania (CATANTA). Both were completely destroyed due to the slipping of their boulders on each other. Therefore, in order to deal with such failures, it was necessary to conduct studies in this field.

Types of breakwaters:

Basically, breakwaters are divided into two types in terms of construction and design. The first type of Darya embankment breakwaters are RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATERS, which are the oldest type of breakwaters.The second type of wall breakers are vertical or vertical (VERTICAL WALL BREAKWATERS) whose design and construction owes to the advancement of science and technology of structural engineering in the present age. Be careful like the effects of the wave, the availability of materials and the cost of the breakers What is proposed in the design and calculations of these structures is the stability and balance of the whole structure as an integrated set against the static and dynamic effects of waves.

The advantages of vertical breakers

  1. Less stone is used in the construction of these breakwaters
  2. Port space is less occupied
  3. Stability and balance of the whole structure

Structural design

1- Pressure and stress on the foundation of the structure less Permissible pressure and stress

2. Structural leakage less Permitted leakage

3.Structure resistance of overturning

Check the breakwater resistance

1- Sain flou method

 Ciapotis wave (turbulent wave) = the force of unbroken waves due to a collision with a vertical breakwater + direct waves coming from the sea

2- It is used for vertical, polished and smooth walls

Turbulent wave height

Turbulent wave height

The pressure caused by the turbulent wave on the vertical wall of the breakwater

Total pressure


3- If the surface is not polished → p1, the value should be reduced by 5%

4- Dividing the parts that have the maximum pressure on the vertical wall of the breakwaters

A: Shallow water wave area (0.35> 0.135 <h / L)

B: The area of very deep water waves (h / L <0.135, H / L <0.040

C: Deep water wave area (h / L> 0.35)

Roof breakers

There are structures made of a large volume of large, medium, lower rocks that are stacked parallel to the shoreline that have a suitable slope to the waves.

1- Natural stones or artificial blocks are used in the construction of gable breakwaters

2- The slope angle of sloping breakwaters has a favorable effect against destructive factors

3- If the breakwater is built in the sea and off the coast, there is no need for any type of pavement


4- In case of breakwater with a steep slope (Prevent the base of the structure from being emptied Reduce the volume of the breakwater More use of the port area Reduce the cost of building a breakwater)

Prevent the base of the structure from being emptied Reduce the volume of the breakwater More use of the port area Reduce the cost of building a breakwater

5- The impact of huge waves on sloping breakwaters causes effects on the ground beneath the foundation and their foundation structure.

6- To protect the foundations, a protective layer of materials should be poured

7- To prevent the sloping slope, cover parts called Amur are used

8- The failure of the top of gable breakwaters is more than the failure of their body

9- The best method is to divide the gable breakwaters into three areas, each of which is made with its own blocks.

10- Roof breakwaters are usually made in S shape

11- During operation of gable breakwaters, the water that fills the base of the structure applies hydrostatic forces to the reinforcement parts.

12- Two-dimensional hydrodynamic forces → Time of impact of the force of vertical waves on the surface of the structure

13- Three-dimensional hydrodynamic forces → Time of force effect on armor parts

14- Expanded equation for determining the weight of reinforcement parts in gable breakwaters with stone materials

  1. The above equation is applicable when the waves collide with the structure at an angle of 45 degrees
  2. It should be noted that the above equations are not reliable equations because the period of the waves and their hydrodynamic effects are not considered in relation to the static stability of the structure.

The special breakwater mold that can be seen in the picture above is an 8 cubic meter xbloc breakwater with dimensions of 2.88 * 2.88 meters. And closing the mold and by increasing the work efficiency helps a lot to complete the project quickly

.The material of breakwater molds has different types such as natural stone, concrete blocks and a combination of stone and concrete blocks

The video related to the construction stages of this structure can be seen in the following link The video related to the loading of this structure can be seen in the following link

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